Veiling the Mystic in the Hedonist’s Gear: A Comparative Rereading of Omar Khayyam’s The Rubaiyat …

Veiling the Mystic in the Hedonist’s Gear: A Comparative Rereading of Omar Khayyam’s The Rubaiyat and Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Madhuśālā. Prasun Banerjee.
The Contour, 1 (2015) 4 (April), pp. 14-21.

Despite the conspicuous mystic perspectives, the recognition of the Rubaiyat to the Western literary discourse has essentially been as a hedonist poem celebrating the paganistic wine-intoxicated revelry and joys of earthly life and that of Omar Khayyam as the poet of the sharab (wine), saki (wine-girl) and peyala(wine-pot). But a careful scrutiny of the Persian and oriental tradition of poetry would reveal that the Rubaiyat is fraught with poetic devices that indicate at established Sufistic discourses in Khayyam’s verses, almost akin to the poets like Rumi, Hafeez or Ferdowsi.

Larger hopes and the new hedonism: Tennyson and FitzGerald

Larger hopes and the new hedonism: Tennyson and FitzGerald. Norman Page.
In: Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Ed. by H. Bloom. Philadelphia, Chelsea House, 2004. p. 151-168.
(From Tennyson: Seven Essays, edited by Philip Collins. 1992 by The Macmillan Press Ltd.)

Page compares Tennyson’s In Memoriam with the almost contemporary Rubaiyat. The author’s analysis is that, even as he confronts the threats to faith posed by the new science (Darwin), Tennyson remains conservative and reassuring with the strength of his convictions, while the Rubaiyat, a fin-de-siecle poem “born before its time”, is uncompromisingly unorthodox and challenging with the power of its scepticism.

A Victorian poem: Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

A Victorian poem: Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. C. Wilmer.
In: FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Popularity and neglect. Ed. by A. Poole et al. London, Anthem Press, 2011. pp. 45-54.

By looking at the Rubáiyát’s context Wilmer tries to answer the question how FitzGerald was able – through Persian lyrics of the Middle Ages – to speak to his contemporaries. First thing to be said is that Khayyám’s sceptical and more or less hedonistic view of the world belongs, as filtered through FitzGerald, to the era in which Darwin – in most respects as modest and retiring a man as FitzGerald – was dismantling old certainties.

Bois du vin, cueille la rose et pense. Variations d’Omar Khayyam sur le Carpe Diem horatien

Bois du vin, cueille la rose et pense. Variations d’Omar Khayyam sur le Carpe Diem horatien. Christine Kossaifi.
Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé 1 (2001) 2, pp. 171–194.


L’ivresse de vivre qui habite O. Khayyam jusque dans la certitude de sa finitude est le reflet oriental du sourire tranquille d’Horace, avide de « cueillir le jour » dans sa richesse comme dans sa tristesse. Tous deux voient dans la jaillissement même de la vie la manifestation du divin et les paroles qu’A. Maalouf prêtre à O. Khayyam dans Samarcande auraient pu être celles d’Horace : « je contemple une rosé, je compte les étoiles, je m’émerveille devant la beauté de la création, de la perfection de son agencement, de l’homme, la plus belle œuvre du Créateur, de son cerveau assoiffé de connaissance, de son cœur assoiffé d’amour, de ses sens, tous ses sens, éveillés ou comblés » (p. 22). Des siècles plus tard, le jeune poète Ali Abdolrezaï, qui vit dans la Perse moderne, l’Iran tourmenté par l’intégrisme, dit : « c’est la vie qui écrit mes poèmes ». C’est la même vie, impérieuse, séduisante et éphémère, qui irrigue les Odes d’Horace et qui chante dans les Rubayat d’Omar Khayyam.

The Epicurean Humanism of Omar Khayyam

The Epicurean Humanism of Omar Khayyam. Pat Duffy Hutcheon.
Humanist in Canada, 1998 (Spring), p. 22-25, 29.


The man who was to keep the torch of scientific humanism alight within early Islamic civilization was born a thousand years after the death of Lucretius, and into a vastly different cultural setting. Nevertheless, in all that Omar Khayyam wrote one can clearly recognize the influence of the great Roman poet, and of the naturalistic Epicureanism that he celebrated. This is doubly remarkable when we recall that, during the centuries between Lucretius and Khayyam, a Dark Age had engulfed and stifled Western Europe. The spread of a mystical form of religion throughout the remnants of the Roman empire, combined with the influence of the Germanic tribes, had gradually produced what amounted to a reversion to barbarism. Gullibility and ignorance pervaded life at all levels, while economic activity declined to primitive levels of barter. An attitude of contempt for earthly existence and bodily pleasures had become the norm, along with belief in all manner of superstition and magic.

Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Broomall, Chelsea House, 2004. (Bloom’s modern critical interpretations)
vii, 252 p. ISBN: 0791075834

This edition brings together the most important 20th-century criticism on Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam through a number of previously published articles and chapters by well-known literary critics. The collection also features a short biography on Edward FitzGerald, a chronology of the author’s life, and an introductory essay written by Harold Bloom.


Editor’s note

Harold Bloom

The fin de siècle cult of FitzGerald’s “Rubaiyat” of Omar Khayyam
John D. Yohannan

The Rubaʻiyat of Omar Khayyam
Iran B. Hassani Jewett

Fugitive articulation : an introduction to the Rubaʻiyat of Omar Khayyam
Daniel Schenker

The discovery of the Rubaʻiyat
Robert Bernard Martin

The apocalyptic vision of La vida es sueño : Calderʹon and Edward FitzGerald
Frederick A. de Armas

Young Eliot’s rebellion
Vinnie-Marie d’Ambrosio

Larger hopes and the new hedonism : Tennyson and FitzGerald
Norman Page

Bernard Quaritch and “My Omar” : the struggle for FitzGerald’s Rubaʻiyat
Arthur Freeman

Paradise enow
John Hollander

The tale of the inimitable Rubaiyat
Tracia Leacock-Seghatolislami

Forgetting FitzGerald’s Rubaʻiyat
Erik Gray




