The Earliest Account of ‘Umar Khayyam. Ross, E. Denison. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, 5 (1929) 3, pp. 467–473
Omar and the new era
Omar and the new era. Achtenhagen, Olga. The English Journal, 16 (1927) 8 (October), pp. 598–602
Students reflecting on reading and thinking about the Rubáiyát.
‘Omar Khayyam
‘Omar Khayyam. Ross, E. Denison. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies London Institution, 4 (1927) 3, pp. 433-439.
Zur Textfrage der Vierzeiler Omar’s des Zeltmachers
Zur Textfrage der Vierzeiler Omar’s des Zeltmachers. Rosen, Friedrich. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 80 (1926), pp. 285–313
Horace and Omar Khayyam
Horace and Omar Khayyam. H.E. Mierow
In: The Classical Weekly, vol. 11 (1917), Oct. 1917-May 1918, p. 19-21
Omar Khayyám
Omar Khayyám
In: Contemporary Review, Vol, 109, 1916, Jan./June, p. 401-404
Review of John Pollen’s translation of 1915
Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies
Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies by Reynold A. Nicholson.
In: Aberdeen University Review. Nr. 2 (1914), Feb., p. 138-142
Since FitzGerald introduced him to Europe, Omar Khayyám has enjoyed a world-wide reputation exceeding that of all the rest of the Persian poets together. Does he deserve it? What was his character and philosophy? Was he a materialist or a mystic, or neither? How far is the English version an original poem, and can we fairly use it as a key to the riddle? These are some of the questions that I am going to discuss and in part, I hope, to answer.