Omar and the new era

Omar and the new era. Achtenhagen, Olga. The English Journal, 16 (1927) 8 (October), pp. 598–602

Students reflecting on reading and thinking about the Rubáiyát.

‘Omar Khayyam

‘Omar Khayyam. Ross, E. Denison. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies London Institution, 4 (1927) 3, pp. 433-439.

Horace and Omar Khayyam

Horace and Omar Khayyam. H.E. Mierow
In: The Classical Weekly, vol. 11 (1917), Oct. 1917-May 1918, p. 19-21

Omar Khayyám

Omar Khayyám
In: Contemporary Review, Vol, 109, 1916, Jan./June, p. 401-404

Review of John Pollen’s translation of 1915

Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies

Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies by Reynold A. Nicholson.
In: Aberdeen University Review. Nr. 2 (1914), Feb., p. 138-142

Since FitzGerald introduced him to Europe, Omar Khayyám has enjoyed a world-wide reputation exceeding that of all the rest of the Persian poets together. Does he deserve it? What was his character and philosophy? Was he a materialist or a mystic, or neither? How far is the English version an original poem, and can we fairly use it as a key to the riddle? These are some of the questions that I am going to discuss and in part, I hope, to answer.