Strategies of appropriation: Khayyam and Rumi

Strategies of appropriation: Khayyam and Rumi. F. Farahzad.
In: Translation Studies 4 (2006), pp. 44-52.

This paper attempts to explore the issue of representation by focusing on two major translations of Persian poetry and literature, one produced in mid 19th century and the other produced in late 20th century.

Fugitive articulation of an all-obliterated tongue …

Fugitive articulation of an all-obliterated tongue – Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám and the politics of collecting. B.J. Black.
In: On exhibit. Victorians and their museums. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 2000, p. 48-66.

In a chapter on the Rubáiyát and “the politics of collecting,” Black argues that FitzGerald appropriated an oriental text in order to domesticate it.