Avicenna als Vorläufer “Omar Chajjams“. Christian H. Rempis
In: Orientalistische Studien: Enno Littmann zu seinem 60. Geburtstag am 16. September 1935 überreicht von Schülern aus seiner Bonner und Tübinger Zeit. 1935, p. 149–156
Nozhat al-Majales
Nozhat al-Majales. Moḥammad Amin Riahi.
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online, 2008
NOZHAT AL-MAJĀLES, an anthology of some 4,000 quatrains (robāʿi; a total of 4,139 quatrains, 54 of which have been repeated in the text) by some 300 poets of the 5th to 7th/11th-13th centuries, compiled around the middle of the 7th/13th century by the Persian poet Jamāl-al-Din Ḵalil Šarvāni. The book is arranged by subject in 17 chapters (bābs) divided into 96 different sections (namaṭ). The anthology also includes 179 quatrains and an ode (qaṣida) of 50 distiches written by the author himself, who is also credited with one lyric (ḡazal) in Moḥammad Jājarmi’s Moʾnes al-aḥrār.
Some ‘Umarian quatrains from the lifetime of ‘Umar Khayyám
Some ‘Umarian quatrains from the lifetime of ‘Umar Khayyám. Alexander H. Morton.
In: The great ‘Umar Khayyám. Leiden, Leiden University Press, 2012. pp. 55-65.
Morton draws attention to an overlooked anthology compiled by Abu ‘l-Qásim Nasr b. Amad b. who was writing during the reign of the Ghaznavid Mas ‘ùd III (492-508/1099-1115).
Omar Khayyam – a myth?
Omar Khayyam – a myth? A.H. Millar
In: The Morning Post, december 2 1926.
Millar’s aim is to expose Omar Khayyám’s Rubaiyat as a myth.
Omar Khayyam – no myth. A reply to Dr. Millar
Omar Khayyam – no myth. A reply to Dr. Millar. E. Denison Ross
In: The Morning Post, December 6, 1926