Bernard Quaritch and ‘My Omar’ – The struggle for FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát

Bernard Quaritch and ‘My Omar’ – The struggle for FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát. Arthur Freeman.
In: Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Ed. by H. Bloom. Philadelphia, Chelsea House, 2004. p. 169-183.
(From The Book Collector, special issue. 1997)

As a publisher, Bernard Quaritch’s principal claim to memory lies in his association with Edward FitzGerald. Quaritch’s imprint appears on the first four editions of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. His instrumentality in popularising The Rubaiyat was well recognised in its time. The publication history of The Rubaiyat is narrated.

The erring finger writes. The Leicester pirate cyclostyles of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

The erring finger writes. The Leicester pirate cyclostyles of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Jos Coumans & John Drew. Cambridge, Cambridge Poetry Workshop, 2015. 43 pp. ISBN: 9781871214260.


This document tells the story of Holyoak’s cyclostyle editions of the Rubáiyát, the interference by Macmillans who saw the work of the simple Leicester book seller as a threat to their business, and the response by W.H. Holyoak and G.J. Holyoake. The booklet also shows documents and descriptions of the various versions of Holyoak’s printings.