Khayyam studies in Russia

Khayyam studies in Russia. Sultanova Zulkhumor Sabatullaevna.
In: Anglisticum. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11 (2022) 12, p. 34-40


The article discusses in detail the stages of formation and evolution of Khayyam studies in Russia and its important approaches. On the basis of real and concrete acts, it is proved that V. Jukovsky laid the foundations in the Russian-Khayyam oriental science by writing “Omar Khayyam and the “wandering”, rubaiyat”, raising the question of the method of selecting and highlighting the original Khayyam rubaiyat. Starting from the twenties of the last century, Khayyam studies gradually formed and developed, and the study of the issues of time, life and work of Khayyam was in the center of attention of Russian Howarists. His connection with the literary and cultural environment, his connection with politicians and writers has always been the subject of close attention of scientists. Features of the life time, literary environment and Khayyam’s connection with political figures, including Nizamulmulk, Hasan Sabbah and some poets and historians, with an analysis of the works of A.Bolotnikov, A.E. Krumsky, S.B. Morochnik, B.A. Rosenfeld, R.M. Aliev M.N. Usmonov and others. With a comparative analysis in the article, the contribution of such scientists as B.A. Rosenfeld and A.P. Yushkevich is especially appreciated in the knowledge and evaluation of Khayyam’s scientific activities, his role in the development of the science of philosophy and the revival of the Galilean calendar.

Khayyam, Omar vi. As mathematician

Khayyam, Omar vi. As mathematician. B. Vahabzadeh.
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online, May 2014.

Three mathematical treatises of Omar Khayyam have come down to us: (1) a commentary on Euclid’s Elements; (2) an essay on the division of the quadrant of a circle; (3) a treatise on algebra; and (4) the treatise on the extraction of the nth root of the numbers, which is not extant.

Complete graphs in the Rubáiyát

Complete graphs in the Rubáiyát. D.P. May.
Journal of mathematics and the arts, 8 (2014), nrs. 1-2, p. 59-67.

The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám has fascinated readers for centuries, and it has been translated and interpreted many times. In this paper, we will describe a few basic graph theory concepts, and discuss how graph theory can be used to explore the connections between the various quatrains contained in Edward FitzGerald’s several translations of the Rubáiyát. We will explain the process of searching for certain complete subgraphs of the full graph of the Rubáiyát, and will briefly discuss how these ideas may be relevant in other areas. These applications include analysing other collections of poetry, teaching certain types of incidence geometry and poetic forms for composing short collections of poetry.

‘Umar al-Khayyám’s contribution to the Arabic mathematical theory of music

‘Umar al-Khayyám’s contribution to the Arabic mathematical theory of music. M. Barontini; T.M. Tonietti.
Arabic sciences and philosophy, 20 (2010), nr. 2 (Sept.), p. 255-279.

The authors present the Arabic text, with an English translation, of certain pages dedicated by al-Khayyām to the mathematical theory of music. Our edition is based on a manuscript extant in a library in Manisa (Turkey), and corrects the mistakes found in another transcription. Lastly, we compare the theory of al-Khayyām with other Arabic theories of Music, and with those coming from other traditions.

Omar Khayyam: Abhandlung Über Die Teilung Eines Viertelkreises

Omar Khayyam: Abhandlung Über Die Teilung Eines Viertelkreises. S. Linden.
Mathematische Semesterberichte, 59 (2012) 1, pp. 103-125.

Wir geben die erste Übersetzung ins Deutsche der „Abhandlung über die Teilung eines Viertelkreises“ des persischen Universalgelehrten ̒Umar H̬ayām (1048–1131). In dieser Abhandlung, von der ein einziges handschriftliches Manuskript erhalten ist, wird die Aufabe der Teilung eines Viertelkreises in einem gegebenen Verhältnis zurückgeführt auf eine Gleichung dritten Grades. Diese Gleichung wird dann mithilfe des Schnittes von Kegelschnitten gelöst. Die insgesamt drei überlieferten mathematischen Abhandlungen ̒Umar H̬ayāms, verfasst in Arabischer Sprache, sind bisher übersetzt worden ins Französische, ins Englische, ins Russische, und ins Persische. Dem deutschsprachigen Leser, der sich für die Geschichte der Mathematik interessiert, offenbart sich an dieser Stelle also eine Lücke. Wir beginnen hiermit, diese Lücke zu schließen. Der Übersetzung der Abhandlung ist eine kurze Einleitung zum mathematischen Werk ̒Umar H̬ayāms vorangestellt.

Between tavern and madrassa: ‘Umar Khayyám the scientist

Between tavern and madrassa: ‘Umar Khayyám the scientist. Bagheri, Mohammad.
In: The great ‘Umar Khayyám. Leiden, Leiden University Press, 2012. pp. 67-72.

This contribution focuses on Khayyám as a scientist and how his scientific merits are combined with his literary genius. Bagheri’s study includes Khayyám’s classification of cubic equations, his commentary on Euclid’s Elements, and Khayyám’s scientific achievements.

Omar Khayyam: much more than a poet

Omar Khayyam: much more than a poet. Robert Green.
Montgomery College Student Journal of Science and Mathematics 1 (2002) (Sept.)

Omar Khayyam, although well known for his poetry, was also an accomplished mathematician, scientist, astronomer, and philosopher. In fact, his contributions include the Jaláli Calendar, astronomical tables, and contributions to mathematics, especially in Algebra. He wrote, “Maqalat fi al-Jabr al-Muqabila,” in this area of mathematics, which many claim provided great advancement in the field.

‘Omar Khayyám et les activités mathématiques en Pays d’Islam aux XIe-XIIe siècles

‘Omar Khayyám et les activités mathématiques en Pays d’Islam aux XIe-XIIe siècles. A. Djebbar.
Farhang 12 (2000) nr. 29-32, p. 1-31.


Si l’on exclut, à chaque époque, quelques rares spécialistes bien au fait des contributions scientifiques de ‘Omar Khayyam (ou al-Khayyami), la célébrité de ce dernier repose, depuis le Xlie siècle, sur une partie des activités qu’il a réellement exercées durant sa longue vie, comme la Poésie, la Philosophie et, dans moindre mesure, l’Astronomie. Elle repose aussi sur des activités, des initiatives et des comportements qui lui ont été attribués mais qui, jusqu’á aujourd’hui, n’ont pu être confirmés par des témoignages concordants. Dans le même temps, la plupart des personnes qui ont entendu parler de lui ignore presque tout sur le contenu de ses activités scientifiques et sur ses contributions dans les différents domaines dans lesquels il a eu à exercer son talent, c’est á dire en Calcul, en Algèbre, en Géométrie, en Astronomie et en Statique, comme nous Ie rélèlent les écrits qui nous sont parvenus ou les témoignages sur des écrits perdus.

The enigma of Edward FitzGerald

The enigma of Edward FitzGerald. J.L. Borges.
In: Other inquisitions, 1937-1952. London : Souvenir Press, 1973. ISBN: 0-285-64711-3

Borges ponders on the mysterious connection between Khayyám and FitzGerald. A miracle that happened: from the fortuitous conjunction of a Persian astronomer who condescends to write poetry, and an eccentric Englishman who peruses Oriental and Hispanic books, emerges a poet who does not resemble either of them. He suggests a deep-seated, a-Platonic connection between philosophy, mathematics, and poetry.

Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam. Evelyn Kennedy.
The Mathematics Teacher 59 (1966) 2, p. 140-142

Besides being hailed as a poet, Omar Khayyam, during his time, was unequalled in scientific knowledge and achievement in Persia. Many called him King of the Wise.