Omar in Wall Street. C.M. Keys
In: The New York Times 1902-09-07: Vol 51 Iss 16433
10 quatrains
Omar in Wall Street. C.M. Keys
In: The New York Times 1902-09-07: Vol 51 Iss 16433
10 quatrains
The Ruby Yacht of Henri Morgan. Stephen Chalmers
In: New York Times, 1904-10-15: Vol 54 Iss 17093
13 quatrains
Rubaiyat of a Bridge Player. D.B. van Buren
In: The New York Times 1911-06-06: Vol 60 Iss 19491
8 quatrains
This gem-studded book is the top-notch of the binder’s art. Anon.
In: New York Times, April 7, 1912.
“Copy of Omar Khayyam bought at auction in London for over $ 2,000 will raise an interesting customs-question when brought here.”
Omar once more. A new edition with commentary and bibliographical introduction
In: New York Times, 12 Jan. 1901
Review of the Batson and Ross edition, by the Knickerbocker Press cq Methuen (1900)
Titles supplementary to the Times Saturday Review’s – Contribution to a bibliography – A foreign test. Stanhope Sams
In: New York Times, 22 July 1899.
Apart from some recent English titles a selection is given of the more important translations and editions in foreign languages.
A bibliography prepared for the “Times Saturday Review” – The Golden Treasury Edition. Stanhope Sams
In: New York Times, 10 June 1899.
List of English titles and a selection of some other versions