The sweetest of Fitzgerald’s quatrains

The sweetest of Fitzgerald’s quatrains. Henry E. Legler
in: Book Lover, November-December 1902, p. 464-465

Compares FitzGerald’s famous quatrain no. 12 (1879) “A Book of Verses …” with translations by other authors (Le Galienne, Curtis, Pickering, Kerney, Whinfield, Garner, Keene, Anson, Costello, Cowell and Powell.

Each morn a new edition brings

Each morn a new edition brings. Thomas Wood Stevens
In: The Inland Printer 1902-12: Vol 30 Iss 3

One quatrain, untitled, in an article about the many rubaiyats that keep appearing. Probably by the author of the article.

Omar in Wall Street

Omar in Wall Street. C.M. Keys
In: The New York Times 1902-09-07: Vol 51 Iss 16433

10 quatrains

The Bowery Omar

The Bowery Omar
In: Judge 1902-08-09: Vol 43 Iss 1086

1 quatrain