The O.K. verses. Percival L.D. Perry
In: Olympia Exhibition, 1907. 30 p.
72 quatrains.
An Advt. for the Motor Car trade.
Potter 1129
The O.K. verses. Percival L.D. Perry
In: Olympia Exhibition, 1907. 30 p.
72 quatrains.
An Advt. for the Motor Car trade.
Potter 1129
Thoughts on drink in time of drought.
In: Humours of the Fray. Rhymes and Renderings by Charles L. Graves.
London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1907. x, 140 p. Pp. 56-59.
18 quatrains.
Potter 1132
Rubaiyat of the roses. Wm. Reid Dunroy.
St. Louis : T. Jerome & Co., 1907.
101 quatrains.
Potter 1131
Wise and Otherwise. The footballers’ Omar Khayyam. W. Burton Baldry.
[S.l.] : Privately printed, 1907. 40 p.
74 quatrains.
Second edition (revised), The Hogarth Press, Chiswick, 1909.
Potter 1133