Rubaiyat EI-Khayyam zwischen den deutschen und den arabischen Übersetzungen

Rubaiyat EI-Khayyam zwischen den deutschen und den arabischen Übersetzungen. Fausia Hassan
In: Revue Traduction et Langues, 2 (2003), 1, p. 22–42

Al-Khayyam between the Arabic and German translations -This work deals with the Rubaiyat of Omar Al -Khayyam. -We will cover the life and work of Omar AlKhayyam in general, emphasizing his importance and influence on other poets. A general overview of the different translations is given. It is further examined to what extent the Arabic translations differ from the German translation and where there is a comparison. The question is also asked whether the difference involves social, political or other aspects. With 50 quatrains quoted from the translation by Mohamed Abou-Zaid.

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Categories: Journal articles
Tags: Arabic translations, comparative studies, German translations, influence
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