Omar Khayyám

Omar Khayyám
In: Contemporary Review, Vol, 109, 1916, Jan./June, p. 401-404

Review of John Pollen’s translation of 1915

A new rubaiyat

A new rubaiyat
In: Otautau Standard and Wallace Country Chronicle, vol. X, Issue 478, 21 July 1914.

Discusses the discovery of a number of quatrains in an old manuscript, achieved by Hagob Kevorkian, copied by Djadjarmi. The verses included were translated by Joyce Kilmer for The New York Evening Times. (Potter 340)

Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies

Omar Khayyám : Some Facts and Fallacies by Reynold A. Nicholson.
In: Aberdeen University Review. Nr. 2 (1914), Feb., p. 138-142

Since FitzGerald introduced him to Europe, Omar Khayyám has enjoyed a world-wide reputation exceeding that of all the rest of the Persian poets together. Does he deserve it? What was his character and philosophy? Was he a materialist or a mystic, or neither? How far is the English version an original poem, and can we fairly use it as a key to the riddle? These are some of the questions that I am going to discuss and in part, I hope, to answer.

Omar Khayyam and the transcience of life

Omar Khayyam and the transcience of life. Carus, Paul. The Open Court, XXVII (nr. 11) (1913) 690 (November), pp. 680–682

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam in Edward Fitzgerald’s translation made a deep impression upon the literary circles of all English-speaking nations, and no wonder, for they present a great truth which is not so much an expression of agnosticism as a description of the transiency of life. The same truth has been stated in various forms again and again by thinkers of almost all periods and nations of the world. The difference in the statements, however, is not due to a disagreement as to the nature of facts, but to the difference in attitude of different people.

Omar Khayyam and Christianity

Omar Khayyam and Christianity. Green, Walter C. The Open Court, XXVII (nr. 11) (1913) 690 (November), pp. 656–679

Twenty-six Quatrains of the Rubaiyat Contrasted with Twenty-six Christian Hymns