Etude critique des traductions en français d’un quatrain d’Omar Khayyâm. Saidi Bouroujeni, Sara; Dadvar, Elmira.
Plume 6 (2011) 13, pp. 127–142
In the XXe, translation is changing. Slowly, we go from language to speech, with text as unity. We are discovering the oral of literature, not like in theatre only. Intuitively, the greatest translators have ever known it. We discover that the translation of a literal text must do what a literal text do through its prosody, its rhythm, its significance, such as o kind of individualization, a kind of form-topic that radically move the precepts of transparency and faithfulness of the traditional theory. As part of our doctorate thesis Reception of the quatrains of Omar Khayyam in France (XIX-XXIe centuries), because of failure to analyze all the quatrains, we propose to compare the translations of one of the high frequently translated robâ’i or quatrain in most of the French translations of the Quatrains.